EDSE101 Assignments

Practicum: An Improvisation Project

  • Look around your surroundings, source out and use locally available materials to improvise any two of the following apparatus set for science teaching and learning; 

  1. filtration,
  2. distillation,
  3. titration,
  4. beakers,
  5. separating funnel,
  6. stirrer,
  7. funnel,
  8. tripod stand,
  9. test tube & test tube rack, 
  10. petri dish,
  11. models for teaching at least two topics each in biology and chemistry
  12. wash bottle,
  13. spatula and,
  14.  Measuring cylinder, e.t.c.
  • The project shall be done in the group of 4 persons per an improvisation set
  • This project shall be done with all serious as a prove of doing science, not hearing or telling science.

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